
The article which I read about is here : What is Black Board ? Online learning can be done in a synchronous or asynchronous environment. In a concurrent environment, students and instructors have instant or "real-time" interaction. Course members need to meet at a certain time and this may seem to be a negative aspect. Setting a clock, however, can help students keep track of everything as needed and manage their time. An example of a concurrent tool is Blackboard Collaborate. In Collaborate, your class can be gathered for a course. You can organize office hours, work sessions, improvised developing discussions and invite guest speakers. My thoughts about this can be mentioned as Blackboard app has an good contrubiton about any type of learning because of it is interactive background and it creates an effective learning environment not only for the students but also for the teachers. The content which is in there can be adjusted to the topics and it can be regulatable. Blackboard app creates a self regulated learning and extending the current information of the students because of e-learning background of the Blackboard it is reachable from anywhere and anytime schedules and things like syllabus are planned so it is a much faster and communicative ground by the help of the technology.


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